My Best friend | Teen Ink

My Best friend

December 11, 2014
By RockTizzle BRONZE, Malborough, Massachusetts
RockTizzle BRONZE, Malborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have a Cat
his name is Matt
Hes very cute and tiny
He jumps on the couch
and tears up the seat

My Cat is very puffy and fat
he sits on my doormat
and takes lots of naps
he can be a big brat
But i still love him
and that's that

Well now my cat faces death
as he takes his last breath
hes running out of luck
cluck goes the timers
time ran out for Matt  

So know the church bells chime
all i can smell is burning candles
theirs nothing left for me
but the color blue
maybe that's a clue…..

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