Obsessions | Teen Ink


December 2, 2014
By AwesomeRedHead BRONZE, Christiansburg, Virginia
AwesomeRedHead BRONZE, Christiansburg, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And though she be but little, she is fierce." ~Shakespeare

Look and tell me what you see

a world comprised of technology

some so partial to their precious device

All just so worthless in my untainted eyes.


Countless hours spent alone

mind lost deep within their phone

starving inside for reality

Such concepts will always stay foreign to me.


Their compulsion calls to me like thunder

and suddenly, I begin to wonder

Where is fault within this habit?

Should I myself break down and try it?


Oh how I've longed to socially be

when isolation is home to me

I've found the source of my weary depression

so at last, I make my greatest confession:

Keeping my distance is my obsession.

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