Last Drop of Drama | Teen Ink

Last Drop of Drama

November 17, 2014
By Anonymous

The days pass by slowly, no drop of rain or dew. It's like a hot dessert of nothing with no damp rocks and nothing to drink. My tung starts to go dry and my hunger for water runs throughout my body. I almost go stiff from the boredom and the need for fresh air and freedom.

That is when the drama strikes.
Hard and fast like a whip or a wand. So fast my ears are buzzing and my toes are tingling. But my eyes soon adjust and my ears soon sharply hear what's going on. My eyes widen, my mouth opens, and I speak my mind carefully. I try to tell my self that my want for water has got to stop somehow. So I ignore the gossip and drama and let it all dribble out.
That was my last drop of drama, and more is soon to come.

The author's comments:

I wrote this afte school one day , I was trying to find hope after some drama in class. Hope for a happier more joyful school day. I hope this will relate to some of you, please share your thoughts and stories in comments ;) thanks so much!

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