~MJW~If you'da told him | Teen Ink

~MJW~If you'da told him

October 20, 2014
By Raybaby SILVER, Sulphur Ok, Oklahoma
Raybaby SILVER, Sulphur Ok, Oklahoma
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;&#039;The world isn&#039;t split between good people and death eaters. We&#039;ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That&#039;s who we really are.&quot;<br /> ~Sirius Black

If you'da told him, He'd father eight kids

He'd think you're crazy, just like him

If you'da told him, expect eleven grandbabies

He'd bought more candy to toss at their faces

If you'da told him, his stories brought hope

To everyone that listened, he'd record every visit

If you'da told him, to many you're a hero

He'd wonder why but, we all know

If you'da told him, butterflies would symbolize him

He'd want nothing less, he was an outdoorsman

If you'da told him, we'd cry for years

He'd hold us all and wipe our tears

If you'da told him, we'd be wearing his shirts to bed

He'd pass them out himself instead

If you'da told US, we'd miss him this much

We'd believe you knew his touch

If you'da told US, he'd be leaving this place

We'd whisper "i love you" with one last embrace

The author's comments:

This is about my Papa he was an organ donor and this is a poem i worte to go in the book. i wrote a really long one but theres was only so many words i could use so this is the short version that did go n the book.

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