Curtain Call | Teen Ink

Curtain Call

October 16, 2014
By Anonymous

There are people inside of me.
Not like multiple personalities they are living,
breathing people,
beckoning and clamoring at the walls to come out.
My people
are all special, beautiful individuals
all with unique talents.
They can,
fight off outlaws while riding their trusty steed,
they can,
not get over how good those highlights look,
they can,
handcuff a criminal they’ve been tracking down for years,
they can,
console a son who’s just been bullied in the schoolyard
they can,
control a crowd and make them feel emotions for one another,
make them see the world in a different way.
If only those feelings and views are held for one night.
It’s a dark world out there,
And my people and I,
we are here to shine the flashlight and show you this world in a different light.
So check in your views and beliefs at the door
because in our show,
nothing is sacred,
except the stage.
The stage in which I show you who I am,
on the inside.

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