Fallen | Teen Ink


October 13, 2014
By LoveLoud BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
LoveLoud BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“There is not air enough for both of us.”

--Rosario Castellanos


The stars are falling.

When they land, we’ll be buried underneath.


The sea devours the sun.

The moon with its hypnotic gaze
is lulling us to sleep.


Before we met, the stars were higher,
the moon was farther away.
But the stars are falling
and soon, we’ll be buried underneath.


You turned everything upside down,
and I don’t know where the sky is anymore.
I used to think everything was better backwards.
I thought everything was better with you.


But now the sea is up and the stars are down.
The stars are falling.
If we’re not careful, we’ll be buried underneath.


Passion became our only sustenance.
It burned and blazed and lit up our eyes.
But our passion grew too big.
And our passion set me on fire.


I drank your love.
You never said it was toxic.
I was your poison,
and you were mine.


Before we met, I was reaching for the stars.
Now the stars are falling.
I’m afraid.
We’ll be buried underneath.


Loving you means losing myself.
How can I choose
between the two halves of my soul?


I used to think everything was better backwards.
But I can’t find the sky
and I miss reaching for the stars.


I used to think that loving you could heal me.
But in the end,
I only have more broken parts.


Because the stars have fallen
and you, my love,
are buried underneath.

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