On the Contrary | Teen Ink

On the Contrary

October 12, 2014
By nicole_Dorfman BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
nicole_Dorfman BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a piece of art, and art isn't meant to be beautiful, it's supposed to make you feel something.

I am tired of this game played behind turned backs
and the unsaid conversations fading away.
The fakeness of people too many to count is becoming a load too heavy to bear
and my shoulders are starting to droop from the insufferable weight of disappointment.
Disappointment when you thought friends were there to catch you
But you realize they were only but a ghost
of the dreams and aspirations of a true friend that you were conjuring
while the demons in your head screamed “On the contrary”.
And as you touch upon that realization you reach the conclusion
they are not worth all this sadness and you shouldn’t be falling into a pit of despair.
You realize that what the demons mean is
“On the contrary
your shoulders shouldn’t be drooping
You should feel as if a weight is lifted off from your shoulders
and there is no pain left to be had after they're gone.
You realize that those demons are actually angels
singing hymns of praise and encouraging you to work harder
and to be the person you were meant to be.
To be real
To confront
To stand up for your actions and your beliefs and not hide behind a veil of fake smiles
like half of the world does.
You’re a terribly real thing in a terribly false world
and that I believe is why you’re in so much pain.

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