The way i loved you was a wonder... | Teen Ink

The way i loved you was a wonder...

October 9, 2014
By Cheyennep1 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Cheyennep1 BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“At some point, you have to stop running and turn around and face whoever wants you dead.The hard thing is finding the courage to do it.”

The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

I put every fiber of my being into loving you.

I put my trust into you and I do not regret it.

Love is when you forgive no matter how much it hurts you.

Choosing you to love was a trap.

Your blue eyes pulled me in and held me captive.

I didn’t want to lose you so I stayed and let you destroy me.

I know you caused me to cry so many times,

But god how you made me smile.


The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

I fell in love with your every breath

And the way you used those breathes to tell me you loved me.

When you were here air was plentiful, but when you left

I began to suffocate from the lack of oxygen that you left behind.

I’ll use my last breath to call your name.


The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

I fell in love with your voice

And how tragic is it that I would rather hear your voice

Than my favorite song.

Your words were a melody in my ears.

If only I could hear it again.

The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

I fell in love with the way your eyes lit up like a light when I passed by,

But now they are dim.

My heart is screaming for me to stop this torture,

But letting you go would hurt so much worse.

And even though my heart knew your love first,

I’m still cursed with the heartbreak of losing you.

The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

How strange is it

That one day you were saying you loved me,

And then you were gone the next day.

My heart beat stopped for a second,

And now it’s trying to catch up

But it’s too far behind.

Now the thought of you breaks me

Leaving me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

No matter how many times I wash my sweater,

Your scent still lingers like a haunting memory.

The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

Your words were like razor blades,

Traveling through my ears

And down to my heart, just resting there.

Yet as soon as you left those words tore their way out of my chest,

Looking for another innocent girl’s heart to inhabit.


The way I loved you was a wonder to everyone.

When you left, I wasn’t angry.

I would have left too.

But, still I wait for the goodbye that you ever delivered.

The way that I don’t hate you is a wonder to everyone.

You ripped my heart out and tore it to pieces,

Yet I would still fall into your arms in my weakest moments.

I wonder, how do you love me?

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