Watching You Fall | Teen Ink

Watching You Fall

September 30, 2014
By WritingManiac BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
WritingManiac BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R Tolkien

We used to be so careless
Blissfully ignorant  in everything we do
Now you’re dying, i’m dying
Your pale face looks so blue

Where has the light in your eyes gone?
I search for the happiness that always possesses your beautiful face
Pink cheeks that lose their warmth with every minute that passes
When did this become a losing race?

The soft breath that comes from your lips has come to an end
Where are you now?
I thought that we could live forever
We could always have been more than friends

This empty feeling consumes me
As I watch your empty chest cease to rise
A deep sob comes from deep inside
I watch my world crumble , everything inside me dies

Retreating inside myself
To a realm that gives me little comfort
I curl up and wait for the darkness to come
What have I done?

A grim determination comes upon me
The future looks distant
Suddenly I know what I must do,
No longer am I resistant
Longingly reaching up for you

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