Tea Party | Teen Ink

Tea Party

September 20, 2014
By Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you care for some tea?
One lump or two?
Chit chat and prattle,
Sip and clink.

I’m bonded by ropes made of silk.
I’m burdened with the weight of my enormous, gorgeous pear jewelry.

We are together,
Yet a wall separates us,
A lace frilly fan,
Concealing our faces.

Our tense smiles,
Our nervous laughter,
And heavy masks,
Work in any occasion.

We are of high status.
Hahaha…life is a stroll in the park,
A picnic in spring,
Yet, is that what life’s supposed to be?

Each of us sipping,
Looking down at our tea.
With two lumps of sugar,
I might as well take three.

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