Life of a teenage girl | Teen Ink

Life of a teenage girl

September 20, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Those tears on your face will dry soon
And you won't remember"
I've heard this a thousand times
And people seem to repeat it like these were written lines
As if I haven't heard it already
As if they honestly believe that the weight I am carrying isn't heavy
As if they know what I am going through
As if the problems I continue facing are as simple as tying my shoes
But I sit here wondering what to do
And thinking why on earth they created things such as fairy tales if they were nothing but untrue
So I just sit here waiting for life's cue for me to perform
In a show titled the life of a teenage girl
A girl who doesn't know who she will be in the next two years
A girl who has nothing but a list of unrelatable fears
A girl who can't fit enough time in her schedule to wipe away her own tears
It is clear
That the life I have in front of me
Wants me straight and up on my toes
Making sure I run fast enough so the doors of opportunities don't close
But I chose
To live in a world of sadness and regret
To set my life up like a stupid childish bet
I look at the mirror and don't like what I see
And I constantly wonder if the girl I see is me.

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on Oct. 20 2014 at 2:15 pm
JoyousCelly BRONZE, Amritsar, Other
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness was but just a brief episode in the general drama of pain (life)

Feel the same way honey.Loooooove ur poem  best of luck  and don't leave hope of seeing a better tomorrow:>