Hunter | Teen Ink


August 14, 2014
By TheRandomFatGirlInTheBcakground SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
TheRandomFatGirlInTheBcakground SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
To achieve greatness, one must first suffer.

I am an animal of the most bestial sort. My prey is intelligent beyond anything in this world, so I must be better. I stock and prowl, waiting for the precise moment to attack. He leaves his weakness all out to bare, and hasn't a clue the monster he's invited to dinner. I am the hunter of his soul, the leach in his brain, and I will concur all there is to claim. My instincts are on high alert, for he is crafty and could easily tun my victory into my demise. It's all most to much as he unknowingly draws me in, for I get lost in the unsure promise of forever. Can you feel my breath on your neck? Can you feel the heat of my body pressed against yours? I'm so close now, I can taste it, your sweet essence. I want to be filled to the brim with your life changing grace, I want to possesses you on every level, until the lines have blurred and I can no longer tell where you begin and I end.

The author's comments:
From one of the more interesting parts of my brain. Super dark, and kinda creepy romance.

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