Irrational Nature | Teen Ink

Irrational Nature

August 11, 2014
By SirLukey BRONZE, Garfield, New Jersey
SirLukey BRONZE, Garfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“how hard it must be to live only with what one knows and what one remembers, cut off from what one hopes for!” - Albert Camus, The Plague

The elder oaks
Shed their hairs
As frost arrives,
Leaving them bare.
The boy watches
From his bedroom window,
With a sweater on,
Wondering how is it so
That he is warm
But the trees are not,
When the snow and trees
Are from the same lot.

Once, grandma told
That Death is normal;
He asked her gravestone
What’s so normal
About the stone in his heart.
He thought this must be how
The trees feel in wintertime,
But they won’t tell
About their pain and cold
Because it’s only natural.

The author's comments:
Sometimes even the most fundamental of things don't seem natural - even nature itself.

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