Persona | Teen Ink


July 28, 2014
By Devinantt SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
Devinantt SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You do not have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body"

Behind our persona, we hide our true emotions
We are just an exoskeleton of our true personality
never showing who we truly are
only a microscopic part of our true selves
we become what society thinks we are
and let the real us fade
we live in a castle of illusions
our lives are smoke and mirrors
common misconceptions
the ultimate level of deception
no one is who we think they are
we are all afraid of judgment
so we cover our personality in hideous lies
and become someone else entirely
while who we really are hides
and our persona is born
Our persona lives the life that we want to
and the real us lives the one we don't
we live a persona to become who we want to be
not who we are
we are trapped behind a disguise
while a persona takes over our lives
a thin layer of us is real
But the thick part is false
It's sad
because as long as our persona lives
we, do not exist.

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