Like the due rains of yesterday | Teen Ink

Like the due rains of yesterday

July 14, 2014
By tangsoocam SILVER, Haverhill, Massachusetts
tangsoocam SILVER, Haverhill, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela

The due rains of yesterday.
Thoughts pouring through our minds, all speak of Midnight’s breath of the foretold.
Behind the winds of time, we’re left to grow rot and mold while our thoughts take flight like fragile paper planes adrift.
We speak of justice for the breathing, but fate has a jury of truth that is never wrong yet so swift.
Heads in suffocating bind, our star-crossed stories of life will continue to be told alongside those who continue to seek enlightenment.
The monsters of our deep have dined, our lives are remade. The glory of our minds are set free.
Although the impending sands cease to drop, others will hear our eluding songs spoken from outside the glass of life.
Forgotten are the bodies of the once living dissolved into time while their minds of greatness breathe sweet life.
Those who seek immortality do so by the mind and cast aside a body of fading youth.
Their mark has been left and will be forever burned into our souls.
Unlike the due rains of yesterday, tomorrow’s life is ephemeral.
Leave your skins at the door of death and soar on the wings of knowledge.
We will be free, invincible, and immortal in the eyes of the future.
To the end of time is where all beings go.
Follow me onto enlightenment, read into the immortal lives of those who sought after-life, and speak wise words that will save your soul.
Come forth the due rains of yesterday, what we have given to the world may stay and continue to flow.

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