Carpe Diem with Me | Teen Ink

Carpe Diem with Me

July 11, 2014
By AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every one is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein

You hold me
You kiss me
I just want to know
Do you love me?

You've hurt me
You've broken me
You've pushed me away

And now I've fallen back
Into a habit called "You"
But I just want to know
Do you love me?

Worlds aren't your strong suit
You speak me to though songs
Classic rock lyrics forming a window
For me to see into your soul.

A soul that is guarded
From those who don't understand.
A soul that needs an outlet
Somewhere to be free.
Free from the prying eyes
Of those who aren't ME.
but, I'm different. I swear.

I'm here to listen
To be yours.
But, I'm scared.

Scared of what has been.

And, try as I might, I can't escape the fear

I want to be yours
I want to be in love
I want to live out Carpe Diem
To seize the day
To seize it with YOU.

But you don't say the words
That I know your heart is screaming
The words that say you'd like to change
To make us more than a "thing"

But, instead you hold your tongue
Holding, kissing and acting in love
But the words aren't there

And I'm scared
Scared of being used
Left out to cry.

Please. Help me to trust
In your regret
In your words.
Tell me that you love me
That you'll seize the day
With me

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