Heavy Chains | Teen Ink

Heavy Chains

June 30, 2014
By JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say good bye, because good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."-Peter Pan

I walked in the morning darkness.
Heard the sounds of my heavy chains
hitting each other.
Each clang a screech from a memory.
My feet naked upon the sandy shore
as I walk to the water.
Chains wrapped tightly around me.
Steps got lighter as they came
but the chains did not.
My soul, I feel, couldn’t get any lower than it already was.
My feet reached water and I went in further.
Chains still pulling me down.
Releasing me though, in a way.
No further than knee deep I laid down.
I needed my sleep...
So laying under the water with my chains pulling me under,
I slept.

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