Walls | Teen Ink


June 16, 2014
By cojoputz BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
cojoputz BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stop outside the door,
Take a deep breath, relax,
Hope that he will be having
A good day, for once.

I walk into the small, boxlike
Room with disgustingly pink walls
And old carpet that is coming
Up in some place, torn in others.

I say hello, know instantly
It is not a good day from his eyes.
There is no life, no recognition
No fire which once burned.

He gets stirred up by my presence,
By the stranger in his room,
Invading his privacy and shattering
The peace that had permeated the room.

I try to take his hand,
He gets angry and pulls away.
I leave in tears, knowing already
What tomorrow will hold for me.

The author's comments:
This piece is about an adult dealing with the difficulties of an aging parent.

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