They Don't Know | Teen Ink

They Don't Know

June 7, 2014
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

People don’t know. They don’t know, what I’m thinking. They don’t know I say is different from what I think. Everyone puts me down, and I don’t like it. It forces me to bottle up my emotions and let time pick away at my skin. I built a barrier no one can get through. They don’t know how much it hurts inside. No one know knows. You are yourself and you are the only one who really knows. People suck, some will be nice others will be jerks. I should know, everyone dislikes me in some way,
I’m too tall,
I’m too big in the middle,
I’m stupid,
I’m ugly,
I’m useless,
I’m worthless,
those words don’t mean a thing to me. They are all lies. We are all perfectly imperfect. We are all perfect in our own ways. People really don’t know, but you, you do know. So let yourself be creative and show who you really are. Don’t let people put you down, the only person stopping from doing so, is yourself. Be proud to be you. If you think no one loves you or no one cares, you are wrong. Because I do. I care, I love you, I think you are worth it. Even if I haven’t met or I know nothing about you. I don’t know, but I can change that.

The author's comments:
I may not know everything but I know one thing, and that is the only person who is stopping you from being you, is yourself. Let your mind run free, and your emotions go wild. Don't let anyone put you down, you are beautiful.

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