Love Letter | Teen Ink

Love Letter

June 4, 2014
By Emilie Schaffer BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
Emilie Schaffer BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the night falls, slowly eating away at the blue day,
I lay, eyes awake, mind searching for a perfect image of you.
I search my ears for a remnant of things that you say,
But nothing I find comes close to the real, physical you.

These thoughts of mine do race without stopping to take a breath.
Until sleep comes from exhaustion alone,
And I dream of being by your side until my death.
Your absence is as the agony of a broken bone.

Those few nights we shared a bed,
I felt things I did not know existed in this life,
And though, "I love you," you have repeatedly said,
I will not be at peace until we are wed and I am your wife.

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