Theme for English B | Teen Ink

Theme for English B

June 2, 2014
By TomasG. BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
TomasG. BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A child was born in 1997,
Into a great family,
Filled with love.

The sad thing was
The child felt unloved by his father
In his mindset,
Playing leading roles in plays and musicals,
Singing and dancing,
It seemed to bother.

This was because, as it turned out,
The kid’s father had had issues with his too.
No matter how hard the father tried to impress,
His father felt unmoved.

As a result of being removed from his expressions,
The father remained unopened,
Trying to get along with his father,
But still rather hopeless.

Soon the old man died,
Never having been opened up at all.
The father felt much regret,
As he had ignored his last phone call.

As cruel as it may be,
To ignore your father,
Whose fault is it really?
The father helps create the son or daughter.

And so, just as it had been done to him,
He does that to this child he has created.
The father remains closed off from his feelings,
All of them sedated.

The child has tried to open up to his father,
To see what he may receive in return
So far, just nods have been his answers,
And the child wonders how he would answer,
when it is his father’s turn.

All I know, is that when the child hears that last phone call,
He better answer it,
I wish I could explain how proud I am of him,
I certainly hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes I did.

The author's comments:
Families are a funny thing. They can be good, they can be bad, but no matter how terrible, learn to appreciate and embrace your family. Do not wait until the last minute to do this, because some things may be left unsaid and you may never forgive yourself.

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