Mini marshmallow sky | Teen Ink

Mini marshmallow sky

May 29, 2014
By Damarimagr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Damarimagr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I waited for you
at the coffee shop
you know the one,
the one that we went to growing up
our favorite one

I waited,
until my mini marshmallows all had melted
when I swirled them around in my cup,
they looked like tiny stars
in a larger,
darker sky
not unlike the one,
that we sat under together as kids

Now I sit alone under a brighter version of the same sky,
devoid of any stars but for a single,
glaring and unforgiving one
the day sky seems overly bright
and forced to me,
like the insincere smiles I see every day since you went away

The night sky is much more open,
more accepting
everything is dimmed down and things come alive
in bursts of glowing neon and in millions of sparkling,
twinkling lights
I used to watch them shine in your eyes

I drain the rest of my now cold hot chocolate,
canceling out the mini marshmallow galaxy as I
glance at the whipped cream clouds above
the vast pale blue reminds me of your favorite sweater

I miss you, I think
I wish you hadn't moved so far away,
to live on in the endless city of clouds
wasn't this small town enough?
wasn't this place of quiet starry nights
just as beautiful?
wasn't I good enough for you?
my hands clench
around dark blue ceramic
I wish you would of stayed here,
stayed with me

Now every time I drink hot chocolate,
I can't help,
but think of you.

The author's comments:
This is what happens when I drink hot chocolate...I write poems about it.

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