Love in Season | Teen Ink

Love in Season

May 28, 2014
By Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The skies fall grey. The leaves fade brown. Tomorrow is gone. Autumn has come.
I can feel your eyes. Linger a moment as they meet mine. Watching my expressions. Reading for the moment when you can finally understand my story. My darling, I love you. The only one I have ever loved, you are still the only one I shall ever love. Screw what the masses believe or the controversies that seem to follow me. What seems like so long ago I had the heart of a young girl. Now my age has risen. My heart has fallen but I continue to fight. 'Fore you are the one in dreams. Only you can create a gentle tsunami within my soul. Your every word excites and frightens me. Without even starting we have already met the close. Of everything the memories move me forward.
Chasing yesterday on the beach we ran. Twirling in the moon stricken sand we embraced our youthful foolishness. The ocean sang of love that our words could not yet justify, could not yet understand. It was left along the beach there. Every memory that had accompanied the dream was thrown drenched in tears by the salty sea tide to pick up. And to carry forward unto the sheltered.

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