A Cowboy And His Horse | Teen Ink

A Cowboy And His Horse

May 11, 2014
By colevick12 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
colevick12 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Cowboy and His Horse

She is gentle but strong
They have rode together for so long
They are one in body and mind
There is nothing they cannot find

They ride swift and fast through the countryside
Feeling the wind beat against their hair like an ocean tide
All they need is each other on a cold winter night
When he is scared; he holds her tight

They have been together too long to remember
They went everywhere together, even to collect timber
For work or play all they wanted was to ride
For she loved him and would never leave his side

They would chase down bad guys who committed crimes
And run away from Indians, those were some fun times
The plain was their playground
Riding from danger where they could never be found

For there is not a day that goes by
That you do not see the passion in their eye
For their heart beats like they were looking through the same lens
For they were more than partners, they were best friends

All they knew was each other
For they could not live without one another
She was old and dying, but she would always stand tall
For living without riding is not living at all

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