Nature | Teen Ink


May 4, 2014
By Crying SILVER, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Crying SILVER, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Green grows the grass
As the flowers bloom red
Making a pretty image
That you see in your head

The birds go tweet
The mice go squeak
Contributing to the noises
That make nature speak

Sun shining high
Leaves blowing in the wind
Looking so beautiful
You never want it to end

But as it grows dark
Rabbits close their holes tight
The dogs lose their bark
And different sounds fill the night

Crunch of twigs under a deer
What other noises can you hear?
Pitter-Patter of the rain
As it begins to faill

Making animals seek shelter
As the sky turns to dawn
And the cycle continues
Day after day, because...

Green grows the grass
As the flowers bloom red
Making a pretty image
That you see in your head

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