Emasculated | Teen Ink


April 28, 2014
By Sankofa BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Sankofa BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without God, I can do nothing. Without God, I will truly fail.

I have subjected myself to society, to be tweaked and tuned by it's jurisdiction, like a puppet, moving to every pull, to every tug.

I have failed to see the talents I possess, failing to utter the words that flow through my mind, failing to acknowledge my ability. Slowly undermining my value.

So I hang my head in shame. In shame of my fear to break free from the limitations set by my speculators, in shame of my fear to face uncertainty, uncertainty of my ability to stand on my own. Shame of my fear to face reality when reality is simply me.

Masked like a mime, with no voice, the pressures of my struggle begin to tear my mask, partially revealing my true identity. Terrified of the inevitable, I fight to hold on but I must face reality, I must confront ME.

The author's comments:
I actually wrote this poem based on a picture called "Face Reality" by Laurie Cooper. It was a class assignment.

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