The First Time | Teen Ink

The First Time

April 15, 2014
By No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why do I wear myself down to nothing?
Would you let me widdle myself into something?
Carving me down to the absolute bitterness
Wipe away the jealousy, I got nothing left
I'm chewing on what's left of my silent tongue
From holding it back. -Botdf

Was the worst time,

I closed my eyes,
Sucked in my breath,
Felt the blood trickle down my thigh,
I started to cry,

When I looked down,
I hated myself more,
Realizing what I have just done,
I put the blade down,

My blood clinging to its silver sides,
Reflecting back at me,
My own destruction,

The First Time,
The First Regret,
The First Cry,
The First Mistake,
The First cut.

The author's comments:
My first time.

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