Loretta Rose Culver | Teen Ink

Loretta Rose Culver

April 13, 2014
By TiaraOliver BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
TiaraOliver BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know if I’m brave enough for this,
Or if I’m strong enough for this,
If my words are deep enough for this,
Or if I can wrap my mind around the fact you are gone,
And we are all here to reminisce, about you… Grandmama.

This is all from the heart, so excuse me if I stutter or if I take a slight… pause.
This is all for Mrs. Loretta Rose Culver, not for applause.

Do you remember that year for your birthday I took you out to the Cheese Cake Factory?
The cake and food were amazing but it was your smile that meant more to me.
Do you remember? I do.

Or how about on Valentine’s Day when I made you, Little Miss Rose my sweet little valentine? We stayed in but ordered take out, watched your favorite shows then laughed about how lonely we were! But you were the perfect date.

February 25th 2014 I didn’t have much.
But, I slid two $20 bills in a $3.99 card wrote “ROSE” on the envelope and signed happy birthday and my name from the bottom of my heart.
At dinner you told me Thank You, grabbed my hand and you held it close.
I knew that $40 was far from what you deserved, but you deserved it most.

It was then that I knew the simple things meant more to you, so I tried to make more of them, for you.
I could go on and on about our memories, ‘bout the times we shared and how much you meant to me… but I won’t.
Instead, I’ll talk to you privately every night before I go to bed.
I’ll remember how proud I made you, all the lectures and advice you gave me, they’re instilled in my head.

Your legacy lives on, Grandmama.
Now, whatchu-say ‘bout that?
Don’t worry we got this.
Just breathe easy Grandmama, you’ll forever be missed.
We love you.

The author's comments:
My grandmother passed away March 14, 2014

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