Body Love | Teen Ink

Body Love

March 29, 2014
By caitlingray13 BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
caitlingray13 BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Open your eyes

Look in the mirror

Let fingers dance upon your skin

Learn to love the body you are in

Kiss your scars

Cradle your stretch marks

Accept every imperfection

Learn to love the body you are in

Straight or curly hair

Widow’s peak or pointed ears

A yellow or pearly white grin

Learn to love the body you are in

Beauty marks may dot your face

A wheelchair may replace your feet

Or maybe you’re an identical twin

Learn to love the body you are in

Small breasts or double D’s

Size two or size sixteen

Make your skin thick not thin

Learn to love the body you are in

Larger noses are pretty too

And acne doesn’t define you

Look at life with an upward chin

And learn to love the body you are in

Far ahead in the future

Older and wiser and grayer

You know to tell your kin

To love the body they are in

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