Where am I from | Teen Ink

Where am I from

April 8, 2014
By Wiggles0982 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
Wiggles0982 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jennifer where are you from?
I am from a life of
Happiness, pain, terror, and love.

I am from a life of camping and swimming
I am from camp fires and roasting marshmallows
I am from fish kissing my toes and bathing suit tan lines.

I am from my great grandmother dying
I am from a brain aneurism and hospital rooms
I am from red roses and pearl coffins.

I am from guns and violence,
Back alleyways and creepy men
I am from big empty rooms and leaky walls.

I am from sunscreen scents and lifeguards
I am from bathing suits and swimming trunks
I am from skate parks and baseball fields.

I am from cute tan guys and skinny burnt girls
I am from vacation on the cement by the pool
Drinking sweet tea and laughing with friends.

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