Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

April 5, 2014
By nrego18 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
nrego18 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a home
that seems perfect at first glance.
From the man candle in the hallway
to the cookies baking in the oven,
to the logs in the fireplace
awaiting a flame.

I’m from a home where a second
look exposes the truth.
From the crack in the floor,
to the paint chipping off the wall,
to the leaky pipes in the basement.

I’m from a home that feels less
comforting than ever before.
From the yelling and screaming
to the slamming of doors
to the hurtful words that can
never be taken back.

I’m from a home I dream I wish I
wasn’t from.
From the tears that hit the pillow
to the empty bed in the room next door
to the vacancy that lingers
throughout the house.

I’m from a home that everyone
wants to be apart of.
From the man candle in the hallway
to the cookies baking in the oven
to the logs in the fireplace still awaiting that flame.
It’s amazing how much a second look can expose.

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