My Depth | Teen Ink

My Depth

April 1, 2014
By BananaGirl20 BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
BananaGirl20 BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Down in the Deep Ocean,
Where it's so Dark and Dreary.

You think nothing can live here.
How wrong you are.
They can live without light.
Not in my world.

I swallow ships, bodies, planes,

You can learn a lot from us.
Things you were never aware of.
Light wishes it can reach my Distant Deep Depth.

My creatures are Unique,
More beautiful than you could imagine,
Each one finding their place in my World.
You don't belong there.
You can't survive.
You weren't meant to be in my World

So Don't.

The author's comments:
Nature is a part of who I am. I'm not a fan of those who destroy, so I'm very passionate about it. People are constantly destroy wildlife. I don't think some realize how much of an impact that has on our planet as a whole. My goal is to help save it.

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