Sweet Surprise | Teen Ink

Sweet Surprise

March 25, 2014
By MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1. I live my life one quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free
2.Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back
3.Ride or die

I had just turned eight
Mama said she had a surprise
I could hardly wait
In front of me
Set a kennel
The height of my knee
I didn’t know what to think
I looked to my little sister
It was as though our minds were in sync
When the door opened you came through
You were so tiny
At that moment I knew
You would forever
Be my baby
No way our love to be severed
As years passed I’ve watched you grow
My love along with you
More than you will ever know

The author's comments:
This poem is about my Dog Harley. She is my world

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