Jacob | Teen Ink


March 22, 2014
By MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1. I live my life one quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free
2.Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back
3.Ride or die

Ever since you've been gone
I have no one to talk to
Seems like everything has gone wrong
Even after you passed
You were there
I could feel you making our love last
Your presence always near
Others would be scared
But around you I felt no fear
With you I never felt alone
You made life better
Always made me feel at home
I no longer see you
You cant be gone forever
I refuse to believe that's true
There are things only you know
Things only meant for you
Things only to you I show
Please come back
I miss you
I am sorry if my love began to lack
I need you back in my life
For you to help me with my strife
I need my best friend
For only you my heart will mend

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