Winter Bones | Teen Ink

Winter Bones

March 20, 2014
By Victoria Alberico GOLD, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts
Victoria Alberico GOLD, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter bones that glow like fire,
White as snow they lie in rows,
And sleep among the ferns they must,
To find out who was there for us.
Winter bone memories sweet and soft,
Light the way for us.

The ground splits, the earth shakes,
God slowly opens up the golden gates,
As she so soundly closes eyes,
To come into the sky so high,
Devils dance around in place,
As angels sing full of grace.

Midnight strolls along the woods,
As birds and squirrels welcome us,
Snow is falling right intact,
For us to see our place in fact,
Winter bones don’t take our spot,
As we lie in rows we must.

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