Celesta | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By tsubasakura SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
tsubasakura SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like people who put in effort, even if they're not good at it."
- Mitsukuni Haninozuka

Clacking of wooden heels echo
and bounce off polished floor boards.
Footsteps resonate in time
with the nostalgic melody
of a nameless song.

Each note twinkles and chimes,
resounding through the empty hallway
and into the tranquil night,
the reflection of the crescent moon
shimmering upon the still lake.

Notes too high to reach slip
through tired, overworked fingers
like dew drops sliding off lush leaves,
falling alone before rippling the calm waters,
blurring the image that there once was.

Clacking of wooden heels echo,
inching closer to the music box melody,
now passed to the warmth of the piano
clear but restraint, a desperate melody
tugging at the heartstrings.

Clacking of the wooden heels
comes to a halt as the piano in turn
takes its final measure, its final cry.
Night is serene as the moon
claims the nameless song once again.

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