Happiness | Teen Ink


March 11, 2014
By Elixramx BRONZE, Mustang, Oklahoma
Elixramx BRONZE, Mustang, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The road to power is filled to hypocrisy, but never regret

So you wanna know, what makes me happy?
You're expecting a superfical answer, I'm guessing.
Like the special person on my mind all the time
or Family or not having homework.
Getting good grades or even when the weather is perfect and it seems like nothing can go wrong.
Well, you're partially right
Yes, those things do make me happy
but thats not always the case.
because here is the truth.

I get happy over the wierd things.
Like when I'm stuck on a question or puzzle
because I know I'm being challenged.
When my favorite youtuber posts a new video
and I know its going to be great.
or especailly when the one I adore takes a seat next to me.
Or when my game finally updates, after hours of endless berates for better internet to my parents.

When the news has a story other than the corruption in our society,
like a baby being rescued, a murderer being sent away for the atrocities he's committed.
A family reunited, the animal who defies the odds and breaks the boundries preset by the people who have no right to hold him for theirselves
soldiers coming home to the wife and daughters they swore to protect even at the cost of their own life
These silver linings make me happy because they make me feel like there is hope in the world bound by the restrictions of people who are no better than you and me

The stories that have the endings that make me belive that I my self can be so great
Books that show me that everyone has got a place, we just have to look.
The fairy tales that tell me to wait because everything in life is going to work for the better.
The novels that tell me how things were before I was here and show me gateways into the brutal, hellhole we call a past and help me learn what is right and what is wrong

So you wanna know what makes me happy?
It's the little things.
The smile on her face.
Taking a slow drive down the street with music blaring and not having a care in this world.
The two couples playing frisbee in the park with their dog trotting around them.
Actually knowing that things are going to okay for a little while, even on this godforsaken planet.
The person dancing in their car and singing with their friends at a stop light because who gives a damn about what others think!?
Spending time with the people in your life that make you feel like you can belong somewhere.

Even in some dark days and it feels like nothing can go wrong, and the whole entire world is against me, these are the things that can always make me smile.

The author's comments:
A good friend suggested writing a slam about the things and people and ideas that make me happy. So challenged, I went to work and this came out. It took a bit to finish and I am quite happy with it.

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