Gone... | Teen Ink


February 21, 2014
By CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
22 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sleep. Those little slices of Death: Oh how I loathe them..."
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity..."
"Deep into that darkness peering long I stood there. Wondering...Fearing...Doubting..."
- Edgar Allan Poe

He leaned down
Putting his lips to my ear
I saw the wisdom and experience in his eyes
The wrinkles on his aged face
The hard work on his worn calloused hands
He whispered words I had never heard
"Your amazing"
I opened my eyes
He was gone
Now it was only a fuzzy memory

The author's comments:
This was a memory of my 70 year old best friend who tragically died a couple months after the memory was made.

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