And You Were Gone | Teen Ink

And You Were Gone

February 20, 2014
By TustMeImLying SILVER, Portland, Oregon
TustMeImLying SILVER, Portland, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am by nature a dealer of words, and words are the most powerful drugs known to humanity." -Rudyard Kipling

Play with my hair
Your fingers
Twirling near the nape
of my neck


You can’t be gone
There was the light
and dark
and days of nightmares
nightmares where you were somewhere
somewhere just outside
my reach
almost touching
and then I wake

Play with my hair

You can’t be gone

swirling froth
sweet syrup
its too early for this

you always said that

coffee in hand
rain on the windshield

darkness and fog
hugging the corners
of our vision

no light, no sound

coffee in hand
rain on the windshield


just wait!

it’s too early for this
it’s just rain on my cheeks
rain on the windshield

Your fingers
Twirling near the nape
of my neck

Play with my hair
You can’t be gone

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