the girl on the shelf | Teen Ink

the girl on the shelf

February 13, 2014
By Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She sits on the shelf of my old cherry oak desk, dusty with age.
The girl trapped behind a frame and glass felt so unloved,
She had to pretend to be someone else.
With her forced smile, and spontaneous laugh,
She was thought to be,
Someone happy, vibrant and carefree.
I stare into her now seemingly cold brown eyes,
filled with fear, anger and mistrust
even fake happiness could not hide.
with her short blonde hair, and brown eyes,
she looks just like me,
but Inside her heart is dormant and unfeeling.
I close my eyes to escape her cold uncaring gaze,
Thinking back at how I have changed.
My heart once unfeeling and empty,
now as full as the sea.
My cold brown eyes filled with fear and anger
Finally shine and sparkle like the sun.
The girl others have wished to see Is finally me.
The only girl I want to be.

The author's comments:
this poem shows how i have changed trough my adoption.

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