Smoker | Teen Ink


February 6, 2014
By TheMysteriousElfie GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
TheMysteriousElfie GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I begin to inhale.
I take in the hurt, anger, and consuming confusion
Because it’s always good to recall something before setting it free
Tasting the sensation, I suddenly realize that it’s not all about the negative
My brain quickly switches to the hidden beauty that was always there
I could easily say that it truly tastes bittersweet
But I can’t keep these experiences for forever
Preparing myself, I let air reach the top of my achy, quivering throat
Here’s to you.
I sigh and the memories blow out immediately
Traveling into the sky, they start to vanish
Moments later, I look up and see that the sky is the way it should be
Just producing a typical snowfall
I throw the cigarette to the ground and continue my lonesome walk
I exhaled.

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