The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

January 21, 2014
By J.K.Granger SILVER, Warwick, New York
J.K.Granger SILVER, Warwick, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Does the rain know?
How can it be so graceless
As to fall now
Of all the nows I’ve seen
How can they talk now
How can I breathe

The rain was not informed
Not today

(why today?)
Why didn’t they tell the sky?
And let the drops console us
Let them wake me
Make me happy
Why can’t these tears be rain?
Why can’t I pass the door
And feel the world mend
As the rain ends
And let the two-toned
Dripping of my hair
Take all my worry
And my strife
I wish the rain knew
Why it stung so much today

(why today?)

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