Pillars | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By Jeezy211 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
Jeezy211 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are always challenges we have to face in everyday life
Never knowing who to count on shouldn't be one of them
A roof keeps one dry but without pillars of support it is useless
Friendship and love are humanity's pillars of hope
Everyone needs somebody to turn to when everything is wrong
Those people make it right
We stand tall and rejoice in our being as long as we're together
Everyone needs a Patrick and Sandy to their SpongeBob
Everyone needs a Ron and Hermione to their Harry
Everyone needs a Courfeyrac and Enjolras to their Marius
Our odes to joy and our Pandora's box Potter
These people are essential to our make up
They are our waywards, the finders of things forever lost
They find light in the hour of advanced darkness
Let the wine of friendship never run dry

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