Our Nightmare | Teen Ink

Our Nightmare

January 15, 2014
By Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you haven't excepted a helping hand, you will never know how to give a helping hand.

This is our nightmare,
this is our terror.
That we will be laid bare,
to those painful starers.
Opened up to all those around us,
because we don't know who to trust.
Unsure of who might throw us under the bus,
of who will leave us alone to rust.
But there will always be the one,
the one who listens and understands.
the one who wont leave us alone.
The one who will take our hand.
The one who will atone.
atone, and be the friend.
who saves us from a painful end.
no more nightmares.
No longer our terror.
let us be bare,
to the one who is our barer.

The author's comments:
I was just thinking the day before school started back up, and it hit me pretty hard when I started thinking about the people who really just don't have friends because they are scared of what will happen if they trust people. So I thought of this, I cant be the only person who doesn't back stab. So I hope this encourages people to look for a friend who is true and trustworthy.

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