Remember the Time | Teen Ink

Remember the Time

January 15, 2014
By lexigoesrawrx33 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
lexigoesrawrx33 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember the time
When people were nicer?
When people didn’t judge?
Oh wait, that was never

Remember the time
When people didn’t try to commit suicide?
When people weren’t so rude
When people cared?
Believe me, it has been a while since I’ve seen that happen

Remember the time
When we watched Blue’s Clues as a child?
When Degrassi wasn’t a show?
Those were good times.

Remember the time
When friends were true?
When people weren’t getting pregnant in their early teens?
16 and Pregnant;
Why is that a show?
What if that encourages people to get pregnant at 16?
Just to show off their face.
Just to be known around the world.

What ever happened to the days
When jeans weren’t skin tight?
When shorts didn’t look like underwear?
When shirts were made to cover up cleavage?
What ever happen to that?
But this world isn’t the same anymore
And this sure makes me believe I was born in the wrong generation.

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