Tommy Died on Saturday | Teen Ink

Tommy Died on Saturday

January 11, 2014
By WoundedBliss BRONZE, Superior, Wisconsin
WoundedBliss BRONZE, Superior, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a out of control game, take what you can and give back just as much."

Tommy died on Saturday
on a leaf covered pouch way
with a dagger coming out his back
with a blood dyed towel held to his heart
he could not talk or open his eyes
his laid lifeless upon my laps
as the rain cried out in pain
of the loss of this beautiful boy
the earth shook with rage
not willing to accept this truth
the ocean met with the land
trying to save poor tommy’s life
the wind ran as fast as it could
taking the houses with it
tommy died on Saturday
because of me and my foolish mistakes
my selfishness and one track mind
tommy died on Saturday
now the world shall have it’s revenge

The author's comments:
This piece is not real, it is an expression of my emotions toward my mistakes a and how they affect others.

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