Beautiful Night | Teen Ink

Beautiful Night

January 4, 2014
By Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
28 articles 10 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a river that no longer flows" - a friend
"when the people lead, leaders follow" - Gandhi

The clouds block the starry sky,
Hides the moon yet it beautify
The night, cause as it takes away
The very thing we see each day
And replaces it with something more ominous
Scary, spooky, wonderfully mysterious.
On a night like this, I want to be outside.
With a single person by my side.
But there are a few days till I can pursue my dreams
Go for a walk under the bright moon beams
Of light, that makes the world so much more magical.
Come with me and let your mind become hysterical.
Love exists even when there is a fight.
Sweet dreams, my love, good night.

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