Square | Teen Ink


January 2, 2014
By justyourginger GOLD, Ramsey, Minnesota
justyourginger GOLD, Ramsey, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Who can say that I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good." -Wicked

Nowadays people put so much of themselves in boxes,
They chop off a section of themselves just to fit
In someone else's pre-conceived notion of pretty,
Of useful, of knowing, of worthy, of perfect.

They squish and squash to stuff themselves in
The boxes society says they should
While taking themselves out of, and ignoring,
The boxes where they fit.

Everyone wants to be a triangles or a circle
But nobody wants to be a square-
And those beautiful squares feel worthless.
No one deserves to feel worthless.

No one deserves to have people laugh and tease
So much that they shove themselves away
And try to look like someone-act like someone-
Be someone else.

People fight against abuse, child, domestic, animal,
But nobody understands the strain it puts on someone, to be different
Nobody understands how stressful it is
To always think of how others don't like who you are.

And then it gets to be too much.
All the opinions and the stress and the lies are too much
And you can see a crack in the facade
And you just shatter

Shatter into a million pieces because however hard you tried
It wasn't enough.
The pain that you felt and the mask you put on
Was for nothing, noting was good enough-you-weren't good enough

And you end up feeling worthless because you don't fit their description of worthy
You don't fit their description of pretty, smart, funny,
You are a square when they want a circle,
And you can't bend anymore.

You can't forever squeeze yourself into something you aren't,
The pressure builds up and you break into smaller pieces
Pieces that you know no one wants-no one could ever love
And you stop. trying.

But that in itself is what you need
To stop trying to fit in someone else's boxes
Because that's where you find it
Your freedom, and your beauty, and your love for yourself

And slowly you pick yourself up, and you put you together
Not worrying what others think about you
Being free in the space that is you-not others
And it's intoxicating.

Sure you're cracked, and maybe there's a chip or two
But you know that you are beautiful and worthy and loved
And above all you are happy being what you are supposed to be
Not squished, or cut off, or stretched
But wholly, and comfortably, you.

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