Another Voice in Mist | Teen Ink

Another Voice in Mist

January 1, 2014
By Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
28 articles 10 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a river that no longer flows" - a friend
"when the people lead, leaders follow" - Gandhi

Why must the sturdy earth brake up into deadly shards?
Why must the warm fire leave everything charred?
Why must the healing water drown the life it supports?
Why must the playful air suffocate where ever it goes?

The earth beneath my feet keeps me steady and still
The earth beneath my feet can simply shift to kill
The earth beneath my feet is essential to our lives
The earth beneath our feet can be deadlier than knives

The fire that keeps us warm, keeps the electricity running through our veins
The fire that runs our cars, kills the people walking down the lanes
The fire that burns, in the sun or on the logs, keeps us from freezing
The fire that consumes, cooks our flesh until the time of our dying

The water that quinces our thirst, helps us survive the driest of days
The water that gives us life can sweeps our lives away
The water that is essential makes it so that we don’t simply die
The water that flow makes is so that we are able to cry

The air that whispers fills our lungs with life’s necessity
The air that purports fills our minds with infidelity
The air that pushes, powers the energy of the modern age
The air that lingers can traps us in death’s canary cage

The life that hardens challenges us to be that much stronger
The life that hypnotizes makes killers out of those who are not innocent any longer
The life that gives keeps us busy with new things to find
The life that survives leaves scars throughout one’s mind

The author that writes hides in his room
The poet that lies slowly walk towards her doom
The singer who hides never show his true talent to the world
The artist who creates can’t help it if her story is left untold.

The man who fears never reveal the talent he possesses
The woman who cowers can only watch as her esteem diminishes
The person who contains great talent seems to hide it from those he fears.
Not even sharing their art with the ones they hold dear

I wish I had outstanding talent in the stuff I do
I do what I do simply because I want to.
And I know others who create more than what is popularly believed
All I can say, I hope someday you’ll find the strength to share with me the things you have conceived

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