When I Leave this Room | Teen Ink

When I Leave this Room

December 28, 2013
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where are you?
You’re such a forgetful excuse for a somebody.
You never show up
Because you hide in the corner of the room
Where we grew up.
Where we grew up.
And now I’m all alone.
You’re nowhere,
Not in the yard or smiling at the
Crooked painting she put above our bed.
You are lost,
An incomplete figure that has dissolved from
My memory.
You are invisible to my senses that have
Collapsed in the air.
Because of you
I am afraid to leave
This corner in our room.
I cannot go out into
The sun because I remember
You got burned once.
I am no longer whole—
I am just a piece of this unfinished puzzle
That has guarded my life.
Why are you not here?
I can’t find your favorite teddy bear
that I used to hide from you.
I can’t remember
Where I hid the key to our chest
That we filled with hopes.
I can’t find you.
You were always with me
And now I can’t remember where I
Lost myself.
No, I have gone away with you
When you left this corner
Forever leaving me behind.
Where are you?
You are missing, and lost in the world.
But I will wait
Here in this corner for you
And I will never
Leave this room.

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